Population Characteristics
Total Population Size: 8,530
● % Increase or Decrease Over Last 10 Years: -3.4%
Race Percentages
● White alone: 96.0%
● Black or African American Alone: 1.0%
● Asian Alone: 0.6%
● Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders: 0.1%
● Hispanic or Latino: 3.6%
● White alone, not Hispanic or Latino: 93.2%
● Biracial and Other: 1.6%
Median Age: 42.2 years
Percentage of Veterans: 627 (7%)
High School and College Graduate Percentages
● High School Graduates: 83.9%
● College Graduates (Bachelors or higher): 14.7%
Workforce Data
Total Labor Force Size: 5,152 (60.4%)
County’s Unemployment Rate: 2.9%
Median Household Income: $62,125
Percentage Living Below the Poverty Line: 13.3%
Top 5 Employers in the County (by Value)
1. Manufacturing
2. Health Care and Assistance
3. Waste Management Services
4. Retail Trade
5. Warehousing